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Bell Yokes / Headstocks

New wooden headstock, fittings and clapper for a historic bell
Wooden headstock in compliance with German church bell norms protecting historic bell peals
Wooden headstock with all necessary ringing equipment
All headstocks delivered and installed by us are made of massive hardwood. The best that money can buy. These state-of-the-art wooden yokes come with all the necessary top-quality hardware: metal fittings, bearings and fasteners. Sturdy and secure. The steel components are properly galvanized and lacquered.

Bell clappers are hand-wrought in strict compliance with German church bell norms. Each finished clapper and mountings come with their own certificate of excellence.

Bernhard Zachariä GmbH - Heiterblickstraße 42 - 04347 Leipzig - Telefon: +49 (0) 341 - 24465-0 - Telefax: +49 (0) 341 - 24465-19 - eMail: