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Swinging Bell Ringers

The ideal swinging bell technology for:
Cathedrals and churches, monasteries and convents, chapels and monuments, public buildings and the like.
Range of application:
Swinging bell technology that is MADE IN GERMANY
An outstanding example of how our research, development and production departments work together as a team
The JUBILATE electronic bell ringer comprises a state-of-the-art system. Its introduction into the European and world market places has launched, once again, our firm into the forefront of this highly specialized and competitive global industry. Our 145 years of experience in the field of campanology have contributed to the research and development of the finest available churchbell technology. This unequivocal pinnacle of excellence is now offered to you at the best possible price conditions.
Swinging bell installation in Hearst (Ontario) Canada
Swinging bell installation in Orléans (Ontario) Canada

Bernhard Zachariä GmbH - Heiterblickstraße 42 - 04347 Leipzig - Telefon: +49 (0) 341 - 24465-0 - Telefax: +49 (0) 341 - 24465-19 - eMail: